KCBS Studio C

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We are looking at the equipment rack in Studio C. This rack has the record cart machines for recording commercials to cart for on air playback plus audio equalizers and special effects generators to make the announcers sound like anything from elves to Max Headroom


The items in this rack are (from top to bottom), Panasonic SV-4100 DAT recorder, 2 PR&E LS-4 audio routers, 1 PR&E LS-10, ORBAN model 674A equalizer, YAMAHA SPX-1000 effects generator, EVENTIDE model H-3500 Dynamic Ultra Harmonizer, 1 Denon DF-956 CD player, 1 TASCAM Model 701 CD player, RADIO SYSTEMS RS2000 record/play cart machine and a ITC Delta III playback machine.

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Updated 7/31/99

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